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The Deserializer utility class converts JsonLogic-Typed data into Scala data structure.

Configure the Deserializer class with the DeserializerConf object. This object defines how types in JsonLogic-Typed map to a Scala data structure. If no custom object is provided, the default DeserializerConf is used .

Parsing examples:

  • With default Deserializer and DeserializerConf
import play.api.libs.json.Json

val jsonString: String = ...
val jsonLogicCore = Json.parse(jsonString).as[JsonLogicCore]
  • With a custom DeserializerConf
import play.api.libs.json.Json

val jsonString: String = ...
implicit val deserializerConf = DeserializerConf.createConf(...)
implicit val deserializer = new Deserializer()
val jsonLogicCore = deserializer.deserialize(jsonString)
  • You can also customize Deserializer to your own case
import play.api.libs.json.Json

val jsonString: String = ...
implicit val deserializer = new Deserializer() {
  override def deserialize(jsonLogic: JsObject, jsonLogicData: JsObject): JsonLogicCore = {...}
val jsonLogicCore = deserializer.deserialize(jsonString)