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How to manually define a custom operator

A custom operator is defined by its codename, which is the key in Json-Logic-Typed format.


In the following example, the plus operator has + as a codename and must declare an Operator class/object that defines the computation performed by this operator.

  "+": [
    {"var": "some_value1", "type":  {"codename":  "int"}},
    {"var": "some_value2", "type":  {"codename":  "int"}}

EvaluatorLogicConf contains the information on how the implementation associates a class or object to a + operator codename. To use, pass EvaluatorLogicConf as an init parameter to EvaluatorLogic.

Information provided to EvaluatorLogicConf is a mapping of MethodConf objects. MethodConf holds an operator’s information for evaluation. There are 6 parameters:

  • operator: String codename.
  • methodName: String name of method to invoke at evaluation.
  • ownerMethodOpt: Option[Operator] Optional object. If defined, describes what the method to be invoked belongs to. If not defined, it means the method belongs to accumulator at evaluation.
  • isReduceTypeOperator: Boolean true if operator is a reduce type (max, min, +, -, *, /, And, Or, …), false otherwise.
  • isCompositionOperator: Boolean true if operator is a composition type (reduce, map, filter, all, none, some), false otherwise.
  • isUnary: Boolean true if unary operator (logical negate, …), false otherwise.

You need to pass only your MethodConf object to EvaluatorLogicConf.createConf method.

val methodConf = MethodConf(...)
implicit val confEvaluator = EvaluatorLogicConf.createConf(methodConfsManualAdd = Map("expN" -> confMethod))
val evaluator = new EvaluatorLogic

How to implement a custom operator

There are two distinct ways to define an operator.

First approach: implementing the Operator trait

Example: Let’s implement an operator “expN” that takes two input \(X\), \(N\) and computes: \(\sum_{n=1}^{N} \frac{X^{n}}{n!}\)

The only thing left to do is manually pass the information about the “expN” operator as an MethodConf object to the EvaluatorLogicConf.createConf method.

class OperatorPlus2 {
  def factorial(n: Int): Int = ...

  def computePartialSum(x: Double, N: Long): Double = {
    var sum = 0
    for (i <- 0 to N) {
      sum += math.pow(x, n) / factorial(n)
val operatorPlus2 = new OperatorPlus2

val confMethod = ConfMethod(

implicit val confEvaluator = EvaluatorLogicConf.createConf(methodConfsManualAdd = Map("expN" -> confMethod))
val evaluator = new EvaluatorLogic

evaluating the following json

  "expN": [
    {"var":  "some_variable1", "type":  {"codename":  "int"}},
    {"var":  "some_variable2", "type":  {"codename":  "int"}}
  "some_variable1": ...
  "some_variable2": ...

can be done using the evaluator:

val serializer = ...
val jsonLogicCore = serializer.serialize(json)


Second approach: method is defined in accumulator’s class definition

Example You may also define the operator secondAcc, whose method belongs to evaluation accumulator

class A(num1: Int, num2: Double) {
  def combine(that: A): A = new A(num1 + that.num1, num2 + that.num1 * that.num2)

val confMethod = ConfMethod(

implicit val confEvaluator = EvaluatorLogicConf.createConf(methodConfsManualAdd = Map("secondAcc" -> confMethod))
val evaluator = new EvaluatorLogic

Notice that method is not defined inside the Operator object, but inside accumulator’s class A

Define an operator: as a service

Please refer to Advanced: Define a Marshaller/Unmarshaller/Operator as a Java Service